Copper is an essential mineral for our body. Ayurveda suggests storing water overnight in a copper tumbler and drinking it as the very first thing the next morning. This water is said to be loaded with vital nutrients and is believed to prevent and treat a number of health conditions. The water stored in a copper utensil is known as Tamra Jal and it helps in balancing the three doshas i.e. Vata, Kapha, and Pitta.

As important copper is for the normal functioning of the human body, it cannot be synthesized by the human body on its own. This is the reason why we need to depend solely on our diet to fulfill the copper requirement. The best food choices which are rich in copper are organ meat, seafood, whole grains, nuts, lentils, seeds, cereals, chocolate, peas, potatoes and green leafy vegetables. Another quick and easy way to maintain your copper content is by drinking copper treated water.

Storing water in a copper utensil starts a natural purification process which can kill all the microbes such as fungi, molds, bacteria, and algae present in the water, making it suitable for drinking. Copper water is antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic in nature.

Our pure copper tumbler for drinking water is a sophisticated piece which is perfect for storing and drinking water copper treated water. The copper tumbler is crafted from pure copper using traditional techniques. The tumbler is ideal for storing and serving water. Our copper tumbler is an affordable and fairly simple way to take your first step towards good health.